Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Here is my current TOP FIVE MOVIES

I am basing these five movies on entertainment, quality of plot/dialogue/acting, and the artistic merit of the Cinematography.

The first one is a classic. If you haven't seen this yet-you need to. I like this because it has a great story and wonderful acting; not to mention it is the classic Christmas movie. So therefore number five is "It’s a Wonderful Life." How can you not love this movie? (If you don't your not a human being)

This next movie was nominated for and Oscar (Best Documentary '03). Spellbound is the best documentary I have seen. It is so amazing how the director was able to make something as "lack-luster" as a spelling bee into an (in)tense competition. Moreover he (and the people themselves) were able to create a connection between you and the competitor that you cheered when they one, and felt bad when they spelt the word wrong. The other great thing they do is they are able to introduce a "bad-guy" that you just want to hate...until after the movie is done you realize that he is only 12 years old and this is just a spelling bee.

Number three is Garden State. Zach Braff is all around a good writer/director/actor. To me it is the best love story so far of this decade. Also Natalie Portman's character is so weird you want to love her to. I also like how the cinematography of this movie was done and the symbolism used throughout the movie. Such as the beginning when he is in his room and everything is white and blank. That told us so much about the character that when he started interacting with people it seemed we already knew where he was coming from and who he was. Also the music chosen for the movie was done very well and the best movie I've seen that's soundtrack is all ready produce music and not composed specifically for the movie.

So what will number 1 and 2 be? I'll give you a clue what the next two of them is a Japanese film, the other had both Owen and Luke Wilson in it.


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